Join a CSA Farm Today

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Looking for a thin bit of hope that spring is indeed just around the ice-encrusted corner? A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farmer told me today that she just started veggie seedlings in her greenhouse. That’s all I need to believe that yes, our soil will thaw, the ice sheet will recede, and the sun will shine brightly enough to produce food again. Joining one of the several top-notch CSA farms that serve the region is an excellent way to get access to that food. According to what I’m hearing, consumer sign-ups at area CSA operations are starting earlier that usual—perhaps this harsh winter has given us a particularly sharp appetite for something other than tennis ball tomatoes. So don’t wait until the snow is gone—it may be too late. Check out LSP’s 2008 Twin Cities Region CSA Directory and start dreaming of fresh, sustainably-produced food.

One Response to “Join a CSA Farm Today”

  1. Stephen Gross

    One of the reasons I moved to Minnesota is the proliferation of CSAs. I signed up with one (Harmony Valley) last year, and just re-enlisted last week. Woohoo!
