How sustainable are you?

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American Public Media, a kissing-cousin of Minnesota Public Radio, has a new web feature out to measure your impact on the planet, called Consumer Consequences.  You enter some data about your lifestyle and it’ll tell you how many planet earths would be needed if everyone lived like you.

Sadly, I am sitting at a need for 3.3 planets for everyone to live like me.  My transportation choices are hurting me the most.  Food is the next highest, though being a vegetarian certainly helps there. 

There was a nice little silver lining though.  After you’ve gone through your life and compared it to others, you can also adjust a few government policies.  Turns out, if we upped car gas milage and implemented global warming solutions, my impact goes down by half a planet.  It just so happens that as you read this many organizations are preparing to advance these issues during the next legislative session.  Stayed tuned for how to get engaged with that.

Sure, you’ll find the game a wee bit simplistic and all, but it was a good reminder to me that I have miles to go on the road transit-way to sustainability.  Give it a try and let me know how you do.

2 Responses to “How sustainable are you?”

  1. Unny Nambudiripad

    I scored 4.6 planets. I thought I’d beat you, Jon! Oh, am I arrogant! The part where I did the worst was food. But that was in part because I eat so much, which is in part because I bike so much. It doesn’t seem fair.

    I focus my personal attention on transportation, and there’s never been a better time than now to push for a comprehensive transit system in Minnesota. Political momentum has been growing for years: Since the opening of the Hiawatha Light Rail line, most people recognize transit as a viable transportation choice. The transportation bill that was passed last session would have provided excellent funding for transit, passed with a wide margin in the House and the Senate. Finally, with the collapse of the I-35W bridge, folks–and legislators–are recognizing the crucial need to fund our transportation infrastructure. Check out Transit for Livable Communities and get involved today!

  2. Jon

    Unny, it can’t be so. I thought for sure you’d best me. I still trust that if we could add up our lifetime impacts, you’d have quite the reserve ahead of me.

    Transit and transportation funding is definitely lining up to be one of the central focal points this upcoming session and man, is it overdue. Almost everywhere I’ve visited that’s the same size as the Twin Cities has a better transit system. We know what should be done. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would want to wait until 2030 to actually get it completed though. My appreciation goes to all those working to get the state to finally invest in a comprehensive transit plan.