Webinar: How to buy a (used) electric car

Think electric cars are expensive? Think again. Used electric cars are coming onto the market every day as current owners update to new models. Buying used allows you to enjoy... Read more »

Wild and Scenic Film Festival: Duluth

Clyde Iron Works 2920 West Michigan St., Duluh

The SYRCL Wild and Scenic Film Festival, hosted by Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness, highlights films that encourage adventure and serve as catalysts to protect wild landscapes. From Bangladesh to Utah, this year’s films feature mountain climbers, backcountry backpackers, community organizers, conservationists, and photographers exploring and protecting some of our world’s most incredible places. Tickets are $12 ($8 for students) and include a screening of seven films and a raffle for prizes. Beer, wine, and snacks will also be available for purchase.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m., films begin at 7:00 p.m.
