Did your Senator vote to pass the nuclear bill? Find out here

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Yesterday, Feb. 2, 2011, the Minnesota Senate voted 50-14 to approve Senate File 4, a bill that lifts the ban on the construction of new nuclear plants in Minnesota.

Senate DFLers offered five amendments — including provisions on ratepayer protections, waste storage issues, and reprocessing restrictions — all of which failed.

Here’s the breakdown of the votes:
(Don’t know your Senator? Find out here)

Republicans in red, Democrats in blue

Those who voted to pass the bill:

Bakk Gazelka Koch Nelson Saxhaug
Benson Gerlach Kruse Newman Scheid
Bonoff Gimse Langseth Nienow Senjem
Brown Hall Latz Olson Sheran
Carlson Hann Lillie Ortman Skoe
Chamberlain Harrington Limmer Parry Sparks
Dahms Hoffman Magnus Pederson Stumpf
Daley Howe Metzen Rest Thompson
DeKruif Ingebrigtsen Michel Robling Vandeveer
Fischbach Jungbauer Miller Rosen Wolf


Those who voted against the bill:

Anderson Dibble Kubly Pappas Torres Ray
Berglin Higgins Lourey Pogemiller Wiger
Cohen Kelash Marty Reinert


Three senators were absent from the vote: Tomassoni, Sieben and Goodwin.


See the minutes from yesterday’s session. Discussion on the nuclear bill starts on page 27.

Watch video from the Feb. 2, 2011 Senate Floor Hearing.

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