The Great Minnesota Green Together

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The Eco Experience started as an experiment at last year’s State Fair and it turned into the second most popular attraction.  Didn’t make it last year?  Have no fear, it is back again this year and promises to be better.

Housed in the Progress Center Building at the corner of Cosgrove and Randall (look for the wind turbine blade sticking up out front), the Eco Experience is home to information and demonstrations on all sorts of environmental issues.  There are sections on water protection, local food, waste reduction and dare I say oodles of energy issues, including wind, solar, hydrogen, and efficiency.  Here’s a map to guide you (pdf).

MEP member groups are a big part of the Experience.  I am not even sure how many will be there, but I know Renewing the Countryside, Eureka Recycling, Transit for Livable Communities, Center for Energy and Environment, Minnesota Food Alliance, Land Stewardship Project, Minnesota Project, Institute for Ag and Trade Policy, Will Stegar Institute and Windustry will be there – either for a day or the whole time depending on their role.  And if you are interested in helping, volunteer opportunties are available.

And if you are there on opening day (Thursday) be sure to come say hello to MEP.  We’ll be in the local food section helping tout the benefits of pasturelands and permanent ground cover for keeping our lakes and rivers clean.  And yes, there will be free samples and cooking demonstrations.  What more could you ask for?

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