Support Clean Energy & Jobs in Minnesota

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The Minnesota Legislature is currently debating which policies should be included in their response to Governor Dayton’s call for “the next big leap forward on sustainable energy.” In fact, the Minnesota House Energy Policy Committee will convene tomorrow and Wednesday to hear the 2013 Energy Omnibus Bill.

There are some solid building blocks for the omnibus that would help Minnesota transition to clean, renewable energy like wind and solar power, increase energy efficiency and make it easier to generate local power. If you would like to generate at least half of Minnesota’s electricity from renewables by 2030 while also doing more to build Minnesota’s renewable energy industries and save energy, call your legislator and ask them to increase the Renewable Energy Standard to 40 percent by 2030 and pass the Solar Energy Jobs ActSolar Power Cost Reduction Act, and strengthening the energy saving conservation improvement program 

Show policy makers that you support clean energy by calling your representative ahead of these very important hearings. These hearings are open to the public and you’re encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, March 12, 12:00PM
House Energy Policy Committee
State Office Building, Room 5
100 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Wednesday, March 13, 6:00PM
House Energy Policy Committee
Minnesota State Capitol, Room 118
75 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Contact your representative in the Minnesota House and tell him or her that you support clean energy in Minnesota. Message: “I support expanding the use of renewable energy, especially wind and solar, in Minnesota, saving energy, and creating thousands of family-supporting jobs in our state.”

Find your legislators’ contact information.



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