St. Ben’s going climate neutral

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The College of Saint Benedicts has announced that they’ve committed to becoming climate neutral.  They are apparently joining 250 other colleges and universities in the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment.  From the release:

The school is in the process of formalizing its plan for the future, including adopting green standards for buildings; requiring ENERGY STAR certification for products purchased by the college; offsetting emissions due to air travel; encouraging public transportation; purchasing energy from renewable sources; and supporting climate and sustainability shareholder proposals through its endowment.

Considered stewardship of natural resources and long-term planning are central to the Benedictine tradition of the school. CSB will make decisions in the future that will reflect the best attempts to reduce the environmental impacts of building construction and operation, while minimizing the loss of green space and other encroachments on the local environment.

Looks like Macalester and UMM are on the signatory list as well.  Hats off to them all.

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