Minnesotans back an increase in Renewable Energy Standard, says new poll

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For immediate release: September 4, 2014

Media Contacts: Christine Durand, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, 651-789-0654, christine@mepartnership.org

St. Paul, Minn. (Sept. 4, 2014) – A new poll shows that Minnesotans are paying attention to candidates’ views on renewable energy this fall, and they are looking for candidates that will improve the economy in Minnesota by creating clean energy jobs and training Minnesota workers to fill them.

The Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP) released the Minnesota-specific results today from a region-wide poll conducted by the RE-AMP network this summer. According to the poll, 72% of Minnesota voters are more likely to vote for candidates who want to promote clean, renewable energy like wind and solar in Minnesota.

“Minnesota voters are looking for bold leaders,” said MEP Executive Director Steve Morse, “They want to elect candidates this November who champion policies that keep Minnesota on a track as a leader in clean energy, create family-supporting jobs, and give us healthier air that will reduce asthma and lung disease and ultimately save lives.”

The survey of 421 Minnesotans was conducted July 26-August 3 by a bipartisan team — Public Opinion Strategies, which conducts polling for Republican candidates, and Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates, which specializes in polling for Democratic candidates and includes a 4.9% margin of sampling error.

Minnesotans broadly agree that the time has come for increasing our Renewable Energy Standard. In fact, seven in ten Minnesota voters back a standard requiring that Minnesota get 50% of its electricity from renewables, a plan called for by the Minnesota Clean Energy & Jobs Campaign, of which MEP is a member.

The study found that:

  • Nearly every demographic unanimously supports increasing energy efficiencies.
  • 93% of voters support increasing solar energy generation.
  • 85% of voters support increasing wind energy generation.
  • 7 in 10 voters in Minnesota say that renewable energy like wind and solar power is a reliable, affordable option that is an increasing source of good jobs.
  • 67% Minnesotans would rather reduce our need for fossil fuels by increasing energy efficiency, expanding our use of renewable energies; while just 25% would rather dig and drill for more oil, natural gas and coal in the U.S.

Although clean, renewable energy is proving to be the cheapest and most reliable form of new energy generation, Minnesotans would be overwhelmingly willing to pay more to transition to renewable energy. According to the poll, 81% of Minnesotans are willing to pay at least $1 extra on their monthly bill to promote clean energy and energy efficiency. “This demonstrates Minnesotans commitment to achieving a clean energy future,” said Morse. “But experience shows we can make the transition without additional costs to consumers.”

Download the full Minnesota Clean Energy Polling Results.


Minnesota Environmental Partnership is a coalition of more than 70 environmental, conservation, and civic organizations working together for clean water, clean energy and protection of our Great Outdoors. MEP engages state leaders, unites environmental efforts and helps citizens take action for the Minnesota they love. www.mepartnership.org

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