MEP’s Candidate Education Project: We need your help!

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MEP’s Candidate Education Project is off to a terrific start. Since late May, MEP has been briefing candidates for public office on the importance of investing in Minnesota’s clean energy economy to create jobs here at home and make us truly energy independent. We have already seen some encouraging results from this work, and we look forward to continuing the project in the months ahead.

Now, we need YOUR help to spread our message about clean energy jobs. One simple way to help is to host a link on your organization’s website to MEP’s 2010 Clean Energy website. The 2010 Clean Energy website includes personal stories from Minnesotans working in the clean energy economy, links to recent news stories and other resources for clean energy supporters.Real Jobs Real People Button

MEP has created a button (right) that you can use to link to the 2010 Clean Energy site.  To add the button to your website, have your webmaster insert the following code into the desired location on your page:

<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”2010 Clean Energy: Real People Real Jobs” width=”209″ height=”62″ border=”0″ /></a>

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