MEP welcomes Tara Skar!

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Minnesota Environmental Partnership is happy to announce that Tara Skar will be joining us as a Campaign Session Intern!

Born and raised in Minnesota, Tara Skar moved to sunny Los Angeles to complete her undergraduate degree at Occidental College. While on campus she worked as Student Assistant for Sustainability, bringing more local, organic food to campus and promoting waste-free initiatives. After graduating she volunteered at several small, sustainable farms in Costa Rica and Guatemala, learning new environmental strategies developed in rural communities.  Upon returning to Minnesota, Tara worked at several local non-profits focusing on community development and social justice outreach.  Tara says that she is very excited to participate as the Campaign Session Intern with Minnesota Environmental Partnership this Spring and hopes to gain a first-hand experience of the legislative process and the Minnesota sustainability movement. Her future plans include attending a Twin Cities law school this Fall. 

Welcome, Tara!

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