Alliance for Sustainability
“Linking citizens and cities for sustainable communities. We bring together individuals, congregations, governments and businesses to work collaboratively towards sustainability.”
Austin Coalition for Environmental Sustainability |
Clean Water Fund/Clean Water Action Alliance
“To protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.”
CURE (Clean Up the River Environment)
CURE’s mission is to protect and restore resilient rural landscapes by harnessing the power of citizens who care about them. We do this because we believe that robust human communities can only be sustained by healthy ecosystems, and robust natural environments can only be regained through vigorous stewardship.
Environment Minnesota
“Environment Minnesota is a citizen-based environmental advocacy organization and a project of Environment America. We believe there’s something special about Minnesota — something worth protecting and preserving for future generations.”
Environmental Initiative
“Environmental Initiative is a nonprofit organization that builds partnerships to develop collaborative solutions to Minnesota’s environmental problems. As a catalyst, convener, or implementer, Environmental Initiative develops creative solutions to environmental problems with our partners.”
Fresh Energy
“Working purely in the public interest, Fresh Energy’s team of scientists, economists, policy analysts, and educators develops and advances solutions that secure a clean energy future where all can thrive.”
Friends of Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas
“The mission of Friends of Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas is to advocate for the establishment, use management, and perpetuation of Minnesota’s Scientific and Natural Areas in an undisturbed natural state.”
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
“The Friends dedicates time and resources to preserving recreation resources within the wilderness, building conservation capacity in communities surrounding the BWCAW and fostering the next generation of wilderness enthusiasts through volunteer and youth engagement programs.”
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Friends of the Cloquet Valley State Forest
“The Friends of the Cloquet Valley State Forest is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural resources of the Cloquet Valley State Forest and promotes responsible enjoyment of this unique treasure.”
Friends of the Mississippi River
“Friends of the Mississippi River engages people to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities region.”
Friends of The Parks & Trails of St. Paul & Ramsey County
“To support and promote the creation, preservation and revitalization of the parks and trails systems of St. Paul and Ramsey County for the benefit of current and future generations.”
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
“IEER provides activists, policy-makers, journalists, and the public with understandable and accurate scientific and technical information on energy and environmental issues. Our aim is to bring scientific excellence to public policy issues in order to promote the democratization of science and a safer, healthier environment.”
Izaak Walton League -Minnesota Division
“We are one of the earliest conservation organizations to set an aggressive course to defend wild America by changing public policy. Almost every major, successful conservation program that America has in place today can be traced directly to a League activity or initiative.”
Land Stewardship Project
“LSP is dedicated to creating transformational change in our food and farming system. LSP’s work has a broad and deep impact, from new farmer training and local organizing, to federal policy and community based food systems development. At the core of all our work are the values of stewardship, justice and democracy.”
Lutheran Advocacy — Minnesota
“As a state public policy office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota (LA-MN) addresses biblical values such as concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease, hospitality to strangers, and care for creation.”
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
“MCEA is the leading legal voice protecting Minnesota’s environment, with deep organizational expertise that includes some of the foremost environmental law and policy professionals in the state. We work on many different issues, especially water, land use & transportation, clean energy, natural resources, and mining.”
Minnesota Conservation Federation
“MCF is a conservation organization made up of hunters, anglers & others who are dedicated to the enjoyment, education & ethical use of natural resources.”
Minnesota Native Plant Society
“Dedicated to the conservation and appreciation of Minnesota’s native plants and plant communities.”
Minnesota Trout Unlimited
“Minnesota Trout Unlimited represents several thousand members and seven chapters in Minnesota. Its mission is to conserve, protect, restore, and sustain Minnesota’s cold water fisheries and their watersheds.”
“MN350 knits many efforts together in a powerful and unified call to action—a call that is global, scientific, and relational. We work to build a social movement by empowering individuals, groups and communities to act collectively in addressing the climate crisis.”
National Parks Conservation Association
“With 1.3 million members and supporters beside us, we are the voice of America’s national parks, working to protect and preserve our nation’s most iconic and inspirational places for present and future generations. We celebrate the parks — and work tirelessly to defend them — whether on the ground, in the courtroom or on Capitol Hill.”
The Nature Conservancy — Minnesota Office
“The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends. For almost 60 years, we’ve been working in Minnesota to do just that.”
Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
“Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness is the region based wilderness advocacy group created by area residents to protect the BWCAW and other wild places.”
Pesticide Action Network of North America
“We link local and international consumer, labor, health, environment and agriculture groups into an international citizens’ action network. Together, we challenge the global proliferation of pesticides, defend basic rights to health and environmental quality, and work to ensure the transition to a just and viable food system.”
Pollinator Friendly Alliance
“The Pollinator Friendly Alliance protects and restores pollinators to improve the environment and sustain our food supply. We envision a world that values the environment and lives in harmony with our pollinators.”
Save Lake Superior Association
“The Save Lake Superior Association, begun in 1969, is the oldest citizen group working exclusively to preserve and protect Lake Superior.”
Save Our Sky Blue Waters
“The Arrowhead region has been known as one of the most magnificent areas of the state, for its majestic forests, wetlands, and waters and because it contains the headwaters of three great watersheds–north to Rainy River, east to Lake Superior, and south to the Mississippi. The protection of these valuable resources is our organization’s core mission.”
Transit For Livable Communities
“Through advocacy, community engagement and collaboration, innovative programming, and research, we promote a balanced transportation system that encourages transit, walking, bicycling, and thoughtful development.”
“WaterLegacy’s mission is to protect Minnesota’s fresh waters and natural resources resources and the communities that rely on them. We are committed to environmental health and environmental justice as well as to protection of natural resources.”
Women’s Environmental Network Minneapolis
“Established in 1992, the Women’s Environmental Network is a not-for-profit organization fostering professional networks for women working to protect the environment.”
Women’s Congress for Future Generations
“Our successes at the first two Women’s Congresses represent the beginning chapter of a long-term campaign to articulate, disseminate, and uphold the rights of future generations, in collaboration with a broadening network of community organizations.”