Letter to House Job Growth and Energy Affordability Committee Regarding HF 3759 Hearing and Line 3 Testimony

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The Honorable Pat Garofalo
Chair of the House Job Growth & Energy Affordability Committee
State Office Building, Room 485
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55115

The Honorable Dan Fabian
State Office Building, Room 365
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55115


April 4, 2018

Dear Representatives Garofalo and Fabian,

On Tuesday night, March 27, 2018, Minnesota Environmental Partnership’s Duluth-based Great Lakes Program Coordinator, Irene Folstrom, testified at the House Job Growth and Energy Affordability Committee hearing on Representative Fabian’s HF 3759, a bill to authorize immediate construction of the Line 3 pipeline on Canadian oil pipeline company Enbridge’s preferred route.

Ms. Folstrom began her testimony by making a number of points that reflect the concerns of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership regarding the proposed tar-sands oil pipeline and the legislation.

However, she then made a series of extemporaneous comments. These included statements that do not reflect the position of Minnesota Environmental Partnership, nor were they presented in a manner that is acceptable to or consistent with MEP’s approach to working with our state’s elected leaders.

We believe that the proposed Line 3 pipeline is not needed and will do harm to the state of Minnesota, its residents, and the rights of its Tribal communities, and we oppose this legislation which bypasses citizen input and the Public Utilities Commission process. However, we will respect the outcome of the Line 3 government review process and want to be very clear that we do not support or condone violence in any form.

We apologize for the errant statements that were made and the inappropriate manner in which they were delivered.  We look forward to a civil, fair, and just process on the Line 3 project.

Steve Morse
Executive Director

cc: Members of the House Job Growth & Energy Affordability Committee

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