I’m A Minnesota Sierran Video Project

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The Sierra Club North Star Chapter has over 13,000 members in Minnesota, and over 2,500 active volunteers. We always say we’re “your friends and neighbors,” but how well do you really know us?

The North Star Chapter is planning to produce a 10-video series highlighting the unique and amazing stories of our members and volunteers who really make the Sierra Club tick here in Minnesota. You’ll learn about all the different issues our members are passionate about, hear how you can become more involved, and hopefully be a bit surprised at just how much we actually work on right here in our state!

Learn more in our video:

To make this series a reality, though – we need your help!

We are asking our supporters to pledge their support for us and this project through our Kickstarter page! Kickstarter is a way for people to help projects and groups they support by giving them a small amount of funding necessary to complete their project. Groups only receive funding if they reach their funding goal.

Your support will enable us to purchase the editing equipment and filming equipment we need to produce this high-quality series.

Please visit our Kickstarter page and pledge your support today!


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