Water and Puppets

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From the siting of ethanol plants based on available aquifers in Southwest Minnesota to the danger of bottling the Great Lakes that grace our Northeast corner, we need statewide conversations about how we use our water – on going and in multiple arenas.  We’ve been engaged the last few years now in the important work of protecting and restoring our lakes and rivers.  And we still have a ways to go to create a true Clean Water Legacy.  But we also need to be talking about our drinking water.  That’s one of the main reasons I am happy to see In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre poised to launch a new effort dedicated to water. 

On Friday, they premiere their new show “Invigorate the Common Well: Come to the Well.”  Come to the Well is just part one of a multi-year initiative in the works.  I was fortunate enough to see a preview this morning and I encourage you to see the show.  I really couldn’t do it justice to try to describe the work, so here is how they express it:

“Grounded in the science — yet flowing with the spirit — of Water, Invigorate the Common Well is a theatrical and civic experience that will inform and inspire all ages to stewardship and action…Each episode features mini-performances, installations and a hands-on “lab” of practical actions and questions, as well as ideas for community advocacy.”

They will be having shows Thursdays thru Sundays in March.  You can see their schedule, order tickets, and find more information with this link

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