Clean Energy & Jobs Legislation Passes the Minnesota Senate

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Clean Energy & Jobs Legislation Passes the Minnesota Senate

Legislation Establishes Solar Energy Standard; Represents Good First Step Toward Creating Jobs, Making Solar Cheaper and More Accessible for All Minnesotans

[SAINT PAUL, MN] The Minnesota Senate today passed clean energy and jobs legislation that establishes a solar energy standard of 1 percent by 2025. The bill – which will create jobs in the state and will make solar energy more affordable and more accessible for all Minnesotans – passed the Senate by a vote of 37-26. The Minnesota Clean Energy & Jobs campaign released the following statement:

“This legislation is the good first step forward in the effort to create good jobs, to make solar energy more affordable and more accessible, and to protect Minnesota’s air, land and water for generations to come. We have a responsibility to compete in the marketplace for clean energy and compete for the jobs that come with it.

“We must act this year on legislation that establishes a strong solar energy standard, which will catalyze investment, creates new jobs, and show that our state is open for renewable energy business. We look forward to working with Conferees as they negotiate a strong solar energy standard for the state of Minnesota.”

The legislation includes the following provisions:

  • Requires investor-owned utilities to provide at least 1 percent of its power through solar electricity by the end of 2025.
  • Requires the Department of Commerce to calculate a “value of solar,” which would determine how much utilities would pay small producers. The amount would be adjusted annually.
  • The bill also would offer incentives to owners of solar equipment made in Minnesota.


The Minnesota Clean Energy & Jobs campaign mobilizes more than 60 energy, labor, youth, faith, environment, and conservation groups, as well as clean energy businesses to answer Governor Mark Dayton’s call to establish Minnesota’s clean energy future – by advancing renewable sources of energy while creating and supporting good jobs for Minnesotans. For more information: Visit

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