Clean cars bill heard in Senate committee

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Watch video from hearings on the Minnesota Clean Cars Act (SF 481 and HF 863) in the Minnesota Senate Business, Industry and Jobs Committee.

May 12, 2008: Check out the unfounded claims made by the auto industry – how requiring auto makers to make cleaner, more fuel-efficient cars and trucks will somehow be bad for Minnesotans.

May 15, 2008:
Then check out testimony by the bill’s proponents, including MCEA’s Jim Erkel and MEP’s Molly Schultz (who expertly strikes down each of the ridiculous claims made by the auto industry).

Unfortunately, the bill was defeated in committee, on a vote of 10 N to 7 Y. Here’s how the committee members voted:

No: Metzen, Bakk, Day, Gerlach, Gimse, Koch, Rosen, Skoe, Sparks, Tomassoni

Yes: Saltzman, Michel, Bonoff, Carlson, Latz, Murphy, Scheid

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