Great Lakes Compact legislation update

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The compact created by the eight Great Lakes states to govern water withdrawals within the watershed received its first legislative hearing in Minnesota yesterday and appears to be headed for smooth sailing.  

The Compact, which was introduced yesterday as HF 110, currently has 24 coauthors in the House.  The bill was taken up by the House Environment and Natural Resources Policy committee.  Testifying in support of the bill were Kent Lokkesmoe from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, David Naftzger from the Council of Great Lakes Governors, and MEP members Allison Wolf with Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy and Gary Botzek on behalf of Minnesota Conservation Federation and Audubon Minnesota.  A thumbs-up was given from the gallery to demonstrate the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s support.  No one testified against the bill.

The bill was passed by a unanimous voice vote and sent on to the House Government Operations committee.

The Senate companion bill (SF 38) is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Environment committee, which is slated to happen next Monday. 

For more information on the Compact, check out the MEP fact sheet (1 MB PDF).

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