State Fair Eco Experience

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If you are going to the State Fair this year, be sure to check out a new feature this year known as the Eco Experience.  In their words:

The Eco Experience is an indoor green space with lush rain gardens, an eco home, a live stage, and cutting-edge displays on renewable energy, new fuels and vehicles, and organic farming. Perfect for do-it-yourselfers, techies, gardeners and nature-lovers, the space features a children’s area with fun for kids of all ages.

A number of MEP member groups will be participating in one form or another in this building.  Fresh Energy and Windustry will be present the whole time and the Neighborhood Energy Connection has their plug-in hybrid car on display.  In addition, groups such as the Minnesota Project, Center for Energy and Environment, and the Minnesota Food Association (and surely other member groups) are helping on individual days or in supporting roles. 

And if you are at the Fair on Tuesday, the 29th, please come say hello to the MEP staff who will tabling in the local food section of the Eco Experience.

The Eco Experience is in the Progress Center building at the corner of Cosgrove and Randall.  Look for the giant wind turbine blade standing up outside.

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