Letter to the House: Please Vote NO on HF 4437 – A proposal for a constitutional amendment that restricts general fund dollars without solving our state’s transportation and transit needs

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To:  Members of the Minnesota House of Representatives


May 17, 2018                                                                                               

Dear Representative,

We, the undersigned, wish to express opposition to HF 4437, a bill that proposes a constitutional amendment to dedicate certain sales tax proceeds to the construction of roads and bridges. While Minnesota faces growing transportation and transit needs across the state, this proposed amendment would meet only a fraction of them while leaving a multitude of others behind in its wake.

We encourage the Minnesota Legislature to pass balanced, comprehensive transportation funding that increases long-term and statewide investment in all modes of transportation, including bus, rail, walking, roads and bridges – giving citizens of every age and geographic location choices for safe, efficient and economical travel.

We ask you to please vote NO on HF 4437.


Steve Morse                                                                           

Minnesota Environmental Partnership           


Clean Water Action – Minnesota

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

League of Women Voters – Minnesota

Save Our Sky Blue Waters

Transit for Livable Communities & St. Paul Smart Trips

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